About Hasmig

Hasmig Possian was born in Istanbul, Turkey of Armenian parents. After emigrating to Canada in 1965, she attended St. Clements School for Girls in Toronto and then studied at the Ontario College of Art. After graduating in 1973, she was taught the rigorous skills of haute couture by couturier D. Khoubesserian.

In 1975, Hasmig opened her own salon at Cumberland and Bay where she created wardrobes for a range of clients from Saudi princesses and celebrities to local socialites. She is known for her elaborate evening wear, bridal fashions, cocktail dresses, daywear, sportswear as well as costumes for the film industry. “Couture garments are works of art and it’s always a joy to collaborate with a client who appreciates its value whether its an intricately constructed ball gown or a simple blouse,” comments Hasmig.

The trend towards casual dressing in the ’90s prompted her to create a unique sportswear collection for women and children manufactured under the “Hasmig Plays” label. In this collection, Hasmig transformed traditional sports logo wear into high fashion by applying couture techniques and incorporating her own HP logo.

Hasmig has lectured at community colleges and made television appearances to share her wide-ranging knowledge of the fashion industry. She is a founding member of the Couture Association of Toronto and while she closed her Yorkville store in 2003, she still works from her Toronto home by special request.

4 thoughts on “About Hasmig

  1. Wow! Hasmig I’m so impressed by you and your achievements! Way to go Girl!!! But I would never have recognized you again…I love the short hairstyle on you! Of course now we are both 60, and changed alot from when we were 20. Your clothing line is spectacular, and I knew absolutely nothing about the fashion scene you were/are involved in. The only time I had any clue was when I saw you on Dini Petty a very long time ago. Its great we got back in touch, and will have to meet up again someday soon. I will be in Toronto in October for a wedding.
    This is a great thing your daughter did for you…nice website. Congrats to you !!! Bravo!

    • thank you so much……Really looking forward to getting together- Renate———My daughter did this—–amazing thing for me……I think she wants me to get RE-ACTIVATED!!!!!!!! Start where i left off……

  2. In 1978, you and I both designed my wedding gown. We also walked up Bay street to purchase the fabric. It was beautiful and I’m sorry I never sent you a picture. I moved to the US soon after getting married and only returned to Toronto on occasion. I also bought a tailleur from you. I still have the wedding gown and the tailleur. Wish you were still in Yorkville.

  3. hasmig, the wonderful, exuberant, imaginative hasmig, will leave a hole in our collective heart. she made toronto rather more adventurous with her brilliant designs, her colour sense, and her stash of superlative fabrics – always wondered whether she didn’t have a genie in a teapot somewhere, or a magic wand with which she could create miracles of silk out of the air. R.I.P. old friend

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